a new year...

A new year brings a new set of resolutions. The thoughts of “I need to…” and “I want to…” ring loud and clear through everyone’s minds whether they admittedly say they have a resolution or not. It is a natural to need and want something different when the upcoming calendar year is a different number. Something I always remind myself of is a New Year means starting fresh and/or starting over. It is a good feeling to put a difficult year behind you and start with a new one in a different mindset.
I continue to push myself to be/do better and as we close December, it reminds me I need to step up my active self, both mentally and physically. I know it is the same story for everyone…that is why the gym is packed for a month, or everyone is telling their friends on how eating healthy and taking care of themselves is their “new thing”. In typical fashion and in our own inherently awesome human nature, some resolutions stick and some do not.
A year ago, I made the resolution to write more in 2013…well, we all see how that went. This year, I vow to make the same commitment and see if it sticks this time. Along with this resolution (and the monotonous plot to work out more), I plan to:

·         Learn more of my birth father and his life/death

·         Be more patient with others

·         Commit to knowing there is so much more world out there than what is in front of me and explore it

·         Hold myself accountable for my own actions

·         Travel

·         Forgive/forget a lot quicker

I am sure I will come up with more when January 1st presents itself, but those are the ones that have been holding my attention the longest these last few weeks.
When you lose someone, resolutions come upon their death and not on the set calendar year. It is in that moment that you vow to live life to the fullest and never regret the decisions you make from that moment on…I believe I am well on my way and am learning now to be thankful for this journey.
Cheers, everyone. Like years prior, I welcome 2014 with an open heart and open mind. I cannot wait to continue to grow and love more than ever before. More than anything...thank you, as always, for reading.


  1. travel... to pittsburgh to visit sarah wonders. Or, plan a co-birthday on the bourbon trail... just sayin'


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